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History of Agarwood, Aloeswood or Eaglewood

Agarwood is the resinous heartwood from Aquilaria trees. These trees belong to the Aquilaria genus, Thymelaeceae family. These trees are large evergreens native to South and Southeast Asia. The trees can be easily located from an altitude of few meters above sea level to 1,000 meters above sea level. The beast growth in these trees is seen at average levels of around 400-600 meters. At least fifteen species of Aquilaria trees are known to produce the much sought-after Agarwood. The most common species found in India is Aquilaria achalloga.

Formation of aromatic resin in the tree

The trees occasionally become infected with a parasite/fungus mould and the resin is produced as a natural immune response to a fungal attack. As the fungus grows, the tree produces a very rich, dark resin within the infected area. This resinous wood is valued very high and treasured around the world since the odour of this wood(agarwood) is pleasing and unique with no resemblence to other natural floral perfumes.

The resin is commonly called Jinko, Aloeswood, Agarwood or Oud and is valued in many cultures for its distinctive fragrance.

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In Europe it is referred to as Lignum aquila (eagle-wood) or Agilawood.

Another name is Lignum aloes or Aloeswood. This is debatable, since a genus Aloe exists which is not related to this species and generally used for medicinal purposes. However, the Aloes of the Old Testament (Num. 24:6; Ps. 45:8; Prov. 7:17; and Cant. 4:14) and of the Hebrew Bible (ahalim in Hebrew) are believed to be agarwood from Aquilaria malaccensis.

Mythological History

Agarwood and its essential oil has long been associated with various religions and cultures. While it finds a mention in ancient scriptures of Japanese and Chinese dynasties it also finds mention in bible where it is reffered as Aloe in old testament however this matter is debatable. It is certainly considered an aid for meditation in spritual circles, thus it is used for incense and perfumes. Deservingly, it is also called wood of God in Asia

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