I have heard of this oil since long time, just because of that I started to find out about this my curiosity...
Agarwood, Aloeswood or Eaglewood
Agarwood is one of the most valuable natural incense available on the earth. In the past, old growth Aquilaria and Gyrinops trees were indiscriminately cut to find the resin though it was found only in few trees which were infected by fungus. Southeast Asia, which once was predominantly native region for these trees, is on way of loosing that title since the trees are being cut with no or little control. The oil extracted from resinous wood of these trees is also valuable since it is inseparable part of Buddhist and Islamic cultures. It is also an important ingredient in many traditional medicines. It is prerequisite ingredient for incenses used in traditional Japanese ceremonies. Although Oudh is not a popular name in America and Europe, its use as incense (called aloeswood) finds mention several times in the Holy Bible. People in the United States, Europe and other western countries who have had the opportunity to smell the unique fragrance generally find it very appealing and pleasant.
Perfumes of Precious Woods from India with Traditional Distillation method
Are you looking for pure Oudh oil? Discover the pure heavy musky aroma of Oudh; make your senses overwhelmed with the jungle like strong aromatic aloes wood oil. Exports to Japan, China, to the Middle East.